
Welcome To The 4E Publications Area

EVSE Scoping Study for 4E

The delegates from EDNA member countries decided to conduct a Scoping study, to investigate the energy performance of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), looking also at the existing policy approaches for this emerging product group. This Scoping study


Policy Brief – Energy Aware Devices

This briefing summarises the key findings of the report Energy Aware Devices – Study of Policy Opportunities, which outlines why and how network-connected devices can be cost-effectively harnessed to report their own, individual energy consumption


Policy Brief – Voluntary Agreements

Voluntary Agreements (VAs) are one type of policy measure used by governments to stimulate the development and uptake of energy efficiency appliances and equipment. This Policy Brief focuses mainly on VAs made between a government and industry actors, where industry has taken the initiative


Lessons Learnt Bringing LEDs to Market

The purpose of this report is to provide policy makers with examples and a summary of how IEA 4E SSL Annex member countries’ have introduced and promoted LED illumination products in their respective markets. This report highlights key policy and


Standby Consumption Measurements

This document summarises the standby and networked standby measurements of the following products and concludes the compliance with ecodesign requirements: Standby consumption of 31 TVs, 14 audio equipment, 5 printers, 9 complex set top boxes


2016 4E Annual Report

Read the 2016 Annual Report for the Implementing Agreement for a Co-operative Programme on Efficient Electrical End-Use Equipment (4E)


4E EMSA Policy Guidelines for Motor Driven Units – Part 1 Summary

This document summarises the first part of an investigation into policy options for harmonising standards and regulations for Motor Driven Units (MDUs), focusing on pumps, fans and compressors. Part 1 describes existing standards and regulations for MDUs in economies that account for 85% of global motor system electricity use
