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NEMA Lighting Division Meeting

NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_event_location: “1” longitude: “” show_contact_information: “” contact_organisation_url: “” contact_postal-code: “” contact_locality: “” contact_tel: “” image_link: “” full_width_image_bgcolor: “” organisation: “” content_width_image_alt: “” postal-code: “” annex: solid-state-lighting email: “” full_width_image: “” category: Meeting organisation_url:

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Motor Summit 2014

The Swiss Agency for Efficient Energy Use (S.A.F.E.), in collaboration with the 4E Electric Motor Systems Annex (EMSA) and the national Swiss Energy program are pleased to announce the Motor Summit 2014, 5th edition.  The Motor

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Motor Summit 2012

Rapid market penetration for energy efficient electric motor systems. 4th International Motor Summit for Energy Efficiency powered by S.A.F.E. Electric motors and motor systems in industrial and infrastructure applications together with pumps, fans and compressors in

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Motor Summit 2010

NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_event_location: “1” longitude: “” show_contact_information: “” contact_organisation_url: “” contact_postal-code: “” contact_locality: “” contact_tel: “” image_link: “” full_width_image_bgcolor: “” organisation: “” content_width_image_alt: “” postal-code: “” annex: electric-motor-systems email: “” full_width_image: “” category: Workshop organisation_url:

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Motor Efficiency workshop

NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_event_location: “1” longitude: “” show_contact_information: “” contact_organisation_url: “” contact_postal-code: “” contact_locality: “” contact_tel: “” image_link: “” full_width_image_bgcolor: “” organisation: “” content_width_image_alt: “” postal-code: “” annex: electric-motor-systems email: “” full_width_image: “” category: Workshop organisation_url:

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Meeting with the European Commission

NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_event_location: “1” longitude: “” tel: “” full_width_image_alt: “” content_width_image: “” annex: iea-4e locality: Brussels, Belgium contact_email: “” postal-code: “” contact_locality: “” organisation_url: “” contact_tel: “” content_width_image_alt: “” category: Meeting other_event_type: “” latitude: “”

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Mapping Report – Televisions – USA

This document describes the mapping for USA on the Energy Efficiency and Energy Consumption of Televisions. Data will be analysed based upon actual screen size, but may be presented if necessary in three size bins

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