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Interlaboratory Comparison 2023 (IC 2023)

Interlaboratory Comparison 2023 (IC 2023) for Temporal Light Modulation (TLM) measurement The SSL Annex launched its 2023 Interlaboratory Comparison (IC 2023) of temporal light modulation (TLM) measurements in September 2023.  Please click on these links to

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Interlaboratory Comparison 2017 (IC 2017)

Interlaboratory Comparison 2017 (IC 2017) The International Energy Agency’s Energy Efficient End-use Equipment (IEA 4E) Solid State Lighting Annex (SSL Annex) organized the 2017 Interlaboratory Comparison (IC 2017) to investigate the level of agreement in measurements

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Integrated Approaches to Energy Technology IEA NEET & MOST

NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_event_location: “1” longitude: “” tel: “” full_width_image_alt: “” content_width_image: “” annex: iea-4e locality: Beijing, China contact_email: “” postal-code: “” contact_locality: “” organisation_url: “” contact_tel: “” content_width_image_alt: “” category: Workshop other_event_type: “” latitude: “”

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Inaugural S&L programme managers meeting

NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_event_location: “1” longitude: “” tel: “” full_width_image_alt: “” content_width_image: “” annex: iea-4e locality: Seoul, Korea contact_email: “” postal-code: “” contact_locality: “” organisation_url: “” contact_tel: “” content_width_image_alt: “” category: Presentation other_event_type: “” latitude: “”

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Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Technical Procedures Committee

NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_event_location: “1” longitude: “” show_contact_information: “” contact_organisation_url: “” contact_postal-code: “” contact_locality: “” contact_tel: “” image_link: “” full_width_image_bgcolor: “” organisation: “” content_width_image_alt: “” postal-code: “” annex: solid-state-lighting email: “” full_width_image: “” category: Presentation organisation_url:

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ILAC Proficiency Testing Consulting Group

NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_event_location: “1” longitude: “” tel: “” full_width_image_alt: “” content_width_image: “” annex: solid-state-lighting locality: Rio, Brazil contact_email: “” postal-code: “” contact_locality: “” organisation_url: “” contact_tel: “” content_width_image_alt: “” category: Meeting other_event_type: “” latitude: “”

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IEA IEC ISO Workshop on International Standardisation

NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess longitude: “” contact_tel: “” full_width_image: “” contact_locality: “” image_link: “” locality: “” postal-code: “” latitude: “” content_width_image: “” tel: “” email: “” category: Workshop manchet: “” show_contact_information: “” contact_organisation_url: “” street-address: “” organisation_url:

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IEA Electricity Co-ordination Group

NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_event_location: “1” longitude: “” tel: “” full_width_image_alt: “” content_width_image: “” annex: iea-4e locality: Paris, France contact_email: “” postal-code: “” contact_locality: “” organisation_url: “” contact_tel: “” content_width_image_alt: “” category: Workshop other_event_type: “” latitude: “”

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