
EMSA at eemods’24

The 13th international conference on Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems took place on 3 to 5 September in Lucerne, Switzerland. Like in previous years, EMSA members actively contributed to the conference programme.

Roland Brüniger, EMSA Chair, delivered one of the keynotes during the conference Opening Plenary on how EMSA supports the energy transition in the electric motor sector. Following an introduction on how EMSA works and what the collaboration stands for, he highlighted work results of the past few years and gave an outlook on the topics EMSA intends to work on in the coming five years.
DOWNLOAD keynote presentation

Roland Brüniger, EMSA Chair

In a session dedicated to digitalisation, EMSA members Konstantin Kulterer and Rita Werle presented key findings from EMSA work in this area. With regard to barriers and solutions to increase energy efficiency of electric motor systems by digitalisation, some policies and EMSA’s recommendations for policy makers were shown, as well as a few concrete examples for the digitalisation of motor systems.

Concerning the energy consumption of digitalisation, EMSA looked into five concrete cases and analysed in detail the components and magnitude of the energy consumed due to the use of digital solutions. This study came to the conclusion that energy savings achieved through the digitalisation of motor systems far outweigh the additional energy consumption resulting from the digitalisation process.

Maarten van Werkhoven, EMSA Platform Manager, presented progress with regard to the coordination of relevant IEC and ISO standards for motor systems, under the umbrella of the Joint Advisory Group JAG22 Optimized Energy and Power Consumption of Electric Driven Machine Units.

Peter Radgen from the University of Stuttgart presented progress with the EMSA international Round Robin testing programme for air compressors.

EMSA members were active as session chairs and also as members of the International Programme Committee of eemods’24.

EMSA members in Lucerne, 2024