
European report on labelling compliance cites 4E

In a recently released report for the European Commission, 4E and particuarly the Electric Motor Sustems Annex on test centres, is idenfied as a good example of international co-operation.  The report by Fraunhofer ISI covers the findings of a survey of compliance with the Appliance Energy Labelling Directive (92/75/EEC) throughout the EU.  

Amongst its many findings are:

  • 61% of appliances across all 29 countries were found to be correctly labelled. The share varies in individual countries from below 10 % in one country up to 90 % in Norway.
  • Products sold by mail order and Internet were the worst result amongst retail outlets, with only 5 % correctly labelled.
  • The Netherlands and Denmark spend about 300.000 Euro annually on market surveillance while a number of countries do not spend anything at all. Similarly, some countries undertake 60-70 tests annually while others do not make any tests.

The report highlights the need to improve cooperation amongst countries on market surveillance as well as increase market surveillance action in order to monitor progress and enforce revised energy labelling and EcoDesign directives.