Archives: News

EMSA goes EEMODS 2009

EMSA has a packed agenda at EEMODS in Nantes France: from 14 to 17 September 2009: Project meeting on 14 September 2009, Testing Centres Workshop

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4E and IPEEC

This document proposes an on-going relationship between 4E and IPEEC, working together to deliver energy efficiency.

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First product definitions finalised

The first two products in the Mapping and Benchmarking Annex, Domestic Cold Appliances and Televisions, have now been defined. These definitions describe exactly what will be mapped in the Annex and the data that will be required to do it.

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ExCo creates two new Annexes

At their meeting in Paris on the 27 April 2009, the 4E ExCo agreed to launch two new areas of work for energy efficienct electrical appliances focussing on Mapping & Benchmarking and Standby Power

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Europe goes MEPS

European Ecodesign Regulatory Committee voted on 11 and 27 March 2009 to introduce mandatory standards by 2011 for motors and by 2013 circulator pumps.

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EU Decision on Motor Standards

EU Member States showed their support for new rules to reduce the electricity consumption of industrial motors during the 11 March 2009 Ecodesign Regulatory Committee

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4E goes Global!

4E Chairman, Hans-Paul Siderius, and Conrad Brunner, operating agent for the 4E Motor Systems Annex to speak on April 28 in Paris

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Motor MEPS Guide published

The first edition of an Electric Motor MEPS Guide has been published to explain steps towards mandatory energy performance standards. If you have any comments

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