Winners Announced – Connected Efficiency Award

SEAD Connected Efficiency Award – Winners Announced SEAD has announced the communications protocols that were awarded a Connected Efficiency Award. The winning protcols are: IEEE Std 1905.1a™-2014 IEEE Standard for a Convergent Digital Home Network for Heterogeneous

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Connected Efficiency Award

SEAD Connected Efficiency Award – Nominations Closing 31 August 2017.   To recognise the most energy efficient communications protocols, SEAD has launched the Connected Efficiency Award. The objective of the Award is to promote the uptake (within mains-powered,

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Support for CDA Principles

ITI, Danish Energy Agency, Korean Energy Agency and ACEEE announce support for CDA Voluntary Principles for Energy Efficient Connected Devices

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Energy Aware Devices

EDNA has published a study of “Energy Aware” devices – devices which can report their own energy consumption, in real time.

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Smart Meters Technical Report

The IEA-4E Electronic Devices and Networks Annex (EDNA) has published a Technical Report for its Smart Meters and Energy Monitoring Systems Task (Task I). The report covers energy consumed by smart meters and other components of smart metering

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Searching For Efficiency through Energy Monitoring – Promises and Opportunities

This is the title of a workshop to be held on the 8th of March 2016 at the Intercity Hotel in Vienna, which will bring together different stakeholders from research, industry and policy to discuss promises of energy savings and possible trade-offs, market opportunities and existing as well as future policy for residential energy monitoring and management systems.

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CEATEC / EDNA Smart Device Workshop – Outcomes

More than 40 officials from Japanese industry (JEITA), Japanese Government agencies and 4E/EDNA met on 7 and 8 October 2015 in Makuhari, Japan to discuss the energy saving opportunities and challenges presented by network-connected electronic devices.

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CEATEC / EDNA Smart Device Workshop

The CEATEC / EDNA Smart Devices Workshop follows the EDNA Smart Appliances Workshop held in November 2014 in Korea.  The scope of the Smart Devices Workshop is network-connected, mains-powered devices in the categories of consumer electronics (e.g. audio,

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