
New IEA Implementing Agreement for a Co-operating Programme on Efficient Electrical End-Use Equipment (4E)

A number of  IEA member countries join forces in a new international collaborative programme to promote wider use of more energy-efficient electrical equipment. This co-operation is taking place in the framework of the new IEA implementing agreement. The Governing Board of the International Energy Agency (IEA) has in March 2008 given support to the co-operation.

The co-operation will focus on efficiency of electrical end-use equipment. Energy efficiency is more than ever a top priority on the international agenda. Using energy-efficient equipment is the most cost-effective short-term path to greater energy security and lower greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change. It reduces pressure on energy resources.

The IEA estimates that energy-efficiency improvements could contribute 47% of reductions in energy-related CO2 emissions potentially achievable by 2030.

Addressing today’s energy challenges has a global as well as a national perspective. Electrical equipment is produced and traded on a global scale. Very substantial gains are possible if energy-efficiency issues are addressed through international co-operation and interaction, being crucial when responding to governments’ need for guidance. The new “4E” IEA Implementing Agreement may constitute an essential collaborative tool.