
Mark Ellis & Associates appointed 4E Operating Agent

On 26 August 2008, Mark Ellis & Associates (MEA) were appointed as the Operating Agent of the 4E Implementing Agreement.

Mark Ellis has had a formative role in establishing 4E during his time at the International Energy Agency, and has worked in the energy efficiency field for more than 25 years. Prior to joining the IEA, Mark has consulted to a number of Governments on energy efficient appliances and equipment product policies. This has required considerable in-depth technical knowledge as a well as an understanding of the policy landscape throughout the world. In 2006 Mark was selected to fill the new position at the International Energy Agency created after the meeting of G8 leaders in Gleneagles, to provide advice to subsequent G8 meetings. As such, he has been involved in making recommendations of energy efficiency policy for appliances to IEA Countries and the G8, amongst others.

Mark is leaving the IEA in October 2008 and returning to work from Australia, where he will take up his duties as Operating Agent of 4E.  In the interim period, Lloyd Harrington, an extremely well-known and experienced consultant also based in Australia, will be assisting in providing the functions of the Operating Agent.

Lloyd Harrington’s contact details are as follows:

Lloyd Harrington
Energy Efficient Strategies
PO Box 515
Warragul  VIC  3820
Tel/voice: +61 3 5623 2711
Fax:         +61 3 9923 6321
Mobile:     +61 419 266333 (GSM – includes voice mail)

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