
4E Tasks

4E Tasks are highly focused research activities that tend to have a shorter-term focus than Platforms and are usually exploratory in nature. These are managed by the 4E ExCo and are additional to the work undertaken by Platforms.

To gain approval, 4E Tasks should:

  • Demonstrate well-defined objectives and realistic deliverables, which are best achieved through international collaboration.
  • Lead to significant improvements in energy efficiency or address one or more current barriers.
  • Not duplicate activities undertaken by another organisation or that could be better led by others.

4E has undertaken a wide range of tasks. Follow the links on this page to find related details and publications.

Air Conditioners

The accurate and repeatable testing of products is a basic requirement for energy efficiency programmes and therefore improving tests for variable capacity air conditioners & heat pumps is important. It is particularly timely given the growth in these types of products. 4E is examining potential changes to relevant test procedures culminating in a round robin within 4E countries which will be completed at the end of 2022.

Energy-using Systems

As part of an ongoing investigation, 4E launched a new project in 2021 to better understand the real and current barriers to regulatory policies for systems in 4E jurisdictions. Based on three case studies, the project will focus on Australia, Canada, the EU and Japan.
Additionally, the project will quantify the total savings potential from the implementation of policies for energy-using systems.

The Motor Driven Unit policy guidelines

The options for harmonising technical standards and regulations for pumps, fans and compressors which globally consume an estimated at 6,560 TWh of electricity (larger than the total electricity consumption of China)

IEA Energy Efficiency Reports

Since 2015, 4E has provided input to successive editions of the IEA’s flagship report on energy efficiency, which quantifies the latest trends, tracks global progress, and examines key drivers and market issues

Policy Driven Innovation (PDI)

This research examined the options global government cooperation to deliver regulatory solutions suitable for use and adaption within the legal bounds of national schemes to push global innovation and technology changes for appliances and equipment

Smart Metering Infrastructure

How significant is the self-energy consumption of smart metering infrastructure, and what impact does different technologies and architecture have?